Wordle: Untitled

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

The Apartment

We finally got a chance to head over to the apartment so I was able to take some pictures. It is 1 bed, 1 bath like our last apartment, but probably twice as big! AND no more going through the bed room to get to the bathroom! 

Other neat facts about the almost our apartment. This used to be the church's old office before they moved into the new building they now have. It is located 1 block away from the main drag in Landstuhl which means there are plenty of restaurants, cafes, and shops that are in walking distance as well as the local farmers market every Friday. And we are within walking distance of the train station as well. We will still be really close to the church and it is very close to the base so travel time for our jobs will be quick. 

So let the tour begin!

Our apartment is on the 3rd floor which is quite a haul up the stairs, but at least there is no one living above us :)

The Living room/Dinning room area

Our Bedroom

The Bathroom. Aaron is pointing out that right next to the toilet there is an electrical outlet??

Note the random outlet near the toilet tank, as well as the crooked placement of the bowl.

The shower/ tub is pretty cool. The shower "curtain" is that piece of glass to the left and it unfolds to create 3 panels that form a wall to stop the water (ps the glass isn't dirty, it has tiny bubbles inside of it to obscure the person bathing)

The Kitchen. Do you see the double sink? It is not very common in Germany to have a double sink, usually it is single. Also check out ALL that counter space and the cabinets!!!

The large center cabinet is our refrigerator. Most German houses have built in frigdes like this.
That tiny little box is all the freezer space we have! Yikes!

This is the view from the kitchen and if you look real hard on top of the hill, or just at the next picture...
That is Landstuhl Castle! Once we get a chance I'll try to get a picture of it all lit up at night.

This image can be seen on one of the buildings near us. it's known as "Kilroy was here" as was very popular during WWII here is a link with more information if you would like :)

 Oh and i realized most of you have never seen rolladen before. They are these awesome shades on the windows that can completely block out the light which will be handy in the summer when the sun doesn't set until nearly 11pm at the peak of summer. Any who here is a video of Aaron explaining them.

Welp that's all for now. Hope you have enjoyed all the pictures these last few posts and I hope to be posting more as time progresses :) Miss you and Love you all!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Church, Ministry, and other updates

Well we sure have been busy these past few weeks. We have had two more youth services since we last wrote and they have gotten progressively better. They are starting to open up to us and I really feel like I am starting to connect with them.  This week we are talking about worry which should have a great impact on them. Pray that their hearts would be responsive to the message, and to the Holy Spirit.

In other news Aaron and I both got jobs on base at Ramstein. Aaron is going to be working at the bowling ally and his job gives us logistical support. Logistical support is where the military gives you access to the base, the commissary, they take care of your visa, you can also buy gas on base which is WAY cheaper, as well as we can use the gyms, and we get a special form that allows us to buy stuff in Germany without paying the German taxes :) This job doesn't give us medical support, but there are other jobs that do and now that we have our foot in the door it will hopefully be easier to get those better jobs. My job is at the cash cage where I will do currency exchange for the enlisted as well as a information kiosk for the air base. Once our paper work is processed we will be able to start work and enjoying the benefits of logistical support. We both have another job interview opportunity that involves working with children at the base day care the 17th please pray that it goes well... if it's God's will that is!

Now for some pictures!! I know these are long awaited and I hope they can satisfy.
First up here are some pictures of the house we are staying at:
The front of the house

The view of the street. In the middle you can see a church whose bells ring everyday, every 15mins starting at 7am ending at 9pm
(It's a good thing I promise!)

The view of the back yard. Isn't it beautiful? I can hardly wait until it is covered in snow!!!

Our Church:

Our cafe Eternal Perks

Painting our church

Aaron teaching our kids

Here is our College Bible study on Friday nights. It's more of an international study that started as a way to practice conversational English. There are students from Germany, India, Egypt, and recently a guy from France came! It was Peggy's Birthday when we took these pictures :)

On Monday we went to the Christmas Market in Kaiserslautern where we are sending a group to street witness on Thursday to reach both the Germans and Americans.

The market wraps around the church so it is always in the background.

A view of a small portion of the market.


Awesome Nativity Scene carved out of wood.

There is so much to see a learn and we have barely began to scratch the surface. We are close to moving into the previously mentioned apartment and are searching still for a car.

Prayer Requests for this week

  • The youth service on Sunday for the kids' hearts to be open to the Holy Spirit
  • The teams that are going out to the Christmas Market in K-Town
  • The job opportunity on Saturday 
Soon to come apartment blog post with pictures :)