Wordle: Untitled

Monday, 4 June 2012

Every time we are in need way beyond our reach and we feel so overwhelmed, we make a list. It usually happens before a big move or a decision that will radically rearrange our life. We write out the basic ideas of what we are allowing to make us fearful of the next step and we pray over it. I know that when we write out the list that it is not magic and it's not that what ever we write God will honor, but it gives us peace. Knowing that we have written our needs down and that we can leave those things we wrote down at His feet. My favorite part is when we find the list weeks sometimes months later and we are able to see how He has answered each item and always far beyond what we had envisioned. We found a list from just before we moved here and it is awesome to see that the things that we were so stressed about when we first arrived here, God has slowly taken care of. He is so faithful and we are constantly in awe of just how good He continues to be to us.

Just a few more weeks and we will have been here for 7 months! Can you believe it? In some ways it feels like we have just barely gotten settled in and in others this seems like we have been living here for such a long time.

We have been pretty busy with life, last we posted our Twingo had fallen into a coma and we were trying to figure out what was wrong. Today we got "Ron" back and it turns out he just needed a new battery. Our pastor jumped him for us and he was sounding pretty rough but we drove him over to the Hobby shop on base and got him all fixed up. He is running much better and hopefully that will be the end of his "health" problems for a while. Also we bought a 2nd car. It's a 2003 Saturn station wagon and we named her (whoa) Black Betty (bam ba laam) The previous owner took great care of her and is a very sweet woman. So for the first time in our marriage we are now a two car family! One typical German tiny economical car, and one for when we need to fit more than just us in the car lol.

God has blessed us each with new jobs. We will both be working with the child care programs on Vogelweh. Aaron will be a part of this new program starting up with 4th and 5th grade boys teaching them how to be men who are respectful and of good character. What an opportunity to pour into these kids and really show them what a Godly man looks like! I will be working at the child care program for Kapaun, a base within the Vogelweh base, as a clerk. I will handle the registration and payments as well as general office keeping tasks. But the best part is that my job offers us health coverage! What an answer to prayer! We are still processing all the paper work but we should be starting our new jobs near the end of June.

We are a few weeks away from our summer youth retreat with our kids and we are so excited. We will be going away for a few days to look God's Word and the many comforting, truthful, applicable, and life saving aspects to it. It should be a great time of deepening our understanding of His love for us and realizing just how relevant His Word is. We have fallen more in love with our kids every week. It truly is our joy to serve them on Sunday mornings and Thursday nights. We look forward to planning our youth events so we can have more time to hang out with them. This PCS season we have already had to send some off and we have one more leaving next month, but we have also gained a few new kids too and we really are so blessed to be given this ministry.

Aaron and I recently went to the leadership conference in Siegen and we came back so refreshed! It was centered around the scripture Ezek 37: 3 "Can these dry bones live?" in reference to the work God has been, is, and will be doing with Israel. It was great if you would like to check out the sessions you can watch the online for free here: Epicenter Conference. I would highly recommend the talks by Joel Rosenberg and we really enjoyed Ray Bentley's messages as well. The conference was great, and it was neat to be able to connect with the greater body of Christ here in Europe. We were blessed to be able to stay with a friend's parents and they were so kind and warm. They made us delicious German breakfasts every morning and were so much fun getting to know.

I'm sure we are leaving much out seeing that it has been a little over two months since our last update, but I feel like this covers the most important topics. As usual I am hoping that we will be able to update more frequently, but if we are all being honest I most likely wont update this for another two months. We still do not have internet in the apartment or our own cell phones yet. We are praying that we will be able to budget for both in light of these new jobs we are about to start. 

Oh I almost forgot we finally got a new mattress and so we can now sleep soundly :) 

God has been so gracious towards us. Even while we were trying to figure matters out and settle in our hearts if this is where He was calling us to, He has blessed us and has kept us. When we came back from the conference we felt a real peace about being here and then things really started to fall into place. We are excited to see what this summer will look like as we see God's hand continue to work here in Kaiserslautern.